
Re-posted from
Petition Obama & Congress Directly Now!
Please read the important information below before sending your petition. has invested in a state-of-the-art petition system where your voice is finally heard immediately by your representatives in Washington, DC. Every week, we will host a new petition. You, along with hundreds of thousands of other patriots, will be cutting through the red tape and getting your message to the President and Congress to stop all this madness - cut spending and restore this great country to what our founders envisioned. This new system will automatically send them emails and faxes with your name attached to it at the touch of a button! On the next page, you will enter your name, email address, and zip code and our state-of-the-art system will locate your specific State representative, and, immediately, your petition voicing your opinion will be on its way to him or her. You will have the chance to write your own words in that petition so your representative will know exactly how you feel.
We know this process is already working because just after petitions were sent from our system by thousands of patriots, we heard from our Washington liaison that Congress was seeing record numbers of petitions! They are already running scared as we have seen television ads start to pop up from special interest groups to combat the support our patriots have created. You are making a huge difference!
This amazing petition system and all the free tools we provide at are for Americans to use any time and they are always free. However, it is not free to us as we are investing over $100,000 every month to provide American patriots these free tools to save our beloved country. As a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, we are 100% funded each month by small, individual donations by American patriots like yourself. Because we are not funded by billionaires or special interest groups as our opponents are, we will only go as far as the American people will take us. Because of your continued support, we pulled off what has never been done and were able to host the first ever presidential debate for "we the people" instead of the liberal media!
Just fill in your information in the boxes and then click the button "Donate and proceed to the petition page". If you are unable to donate then instead click on the button "Go To Petition Page Without Donating." We know times are tough, so every donation of any size is appreciated more than you know. As a bonus, for anyone that is able to donate $100 or more, you will be placed on our patriot heroes list and also receive the tea party membership package sent to you which includes tea party membership card, tea party lapel pin and much more. Thank you for your support. Your country needs you like never before.
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