
A comment expressed by a gun ban proponent in one of the NRA Stand and Fight video ads below is indicative of a prevalent and erroneous mindset regarding the purpose of the Second Amendment. This matter is easily addressed by any true patriot, whether gun owner or not. However, for the sake of so many liberals out there who need a crash course in American freedom, I'll spell it out.
Typical liberal, Obama supporter comment: "Nobody needs an assault rifle to go out and shoot a deer. It does not make sense."
Patriot response: It's not for hunting! The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting or target practice or hobbies or defense against neighborhood criminals.
The Second Amendment and the assault weapons it allows U.S. citizens to own and operate exist for one purpose only - to empower and even encourage common citizens to form their own militia in self defense against the government.
A citizen militia does not have to be a large organization. It may consist of one family or one individual, loyal to the Constitution of the United States as envisioned by our founding fathers.
To put it in unmistakably relevant terms, assault rifles are for shooting and killing federal enforcers, InterPol agents, and United Nations troops coming soon to a neighborhood near you, wages and travel expenses paid by, guess who, that's right, you the American taxpayer. (Isaiah 13:16,18-19)
And then we go hunting. Mitigating the symptom is only part of the battle. Sooner or later, we must eradicate or quarantine the disease that is creating the symptom.
YouTube video link to NRA Stand and Fight: High Capacity Magazines
YouTube video link to NRA Stand and Fight
Youtube video link to NRA Video: Media Ignorance "Stand and Fight"

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