The video titled Rumors of War III: Target U.S. aired on Glenn Beck TV (GBTV) April 25, 2012. It appeared for a few days on YouTube before being abruptly removed for an alleged copyright violation. The documentary runs about an hour and fourteen minutes. You can watch the video for free by signing up for a free 14-day trial subscription to Glenn Beck TV.
You can cancel your GBTV subscription before your 14-day free trial ends. You might find that the ten bucks per month to remain subscribed to GBTV is money well spent. Either way, you might find certain freeware, such as NCH Debut Video Capture Software, highly useful. Apply your imagination and ingenuity. Glenn Beck should appreciate the free advertising so many viewers can provide by sharing his documentary far and wide.
The documentary exposes connections between radical Islamic extremists, including the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Barack Hussein Obama administration. There are undoubtedly a lot of people in high places who do not want you to see this documentary.
Also watch the YouTube video below, which was posted November 12, 2011. This video, titled New World Order 2012 - Shocking Proof, reveals that Saudi Arabia, years prior to the 2008 U.S. presidential elections, had declared that they would have a Muslim in the White House by 2008. Where did most of Obama's campaign funding come from? If you can't follow the money trail, why is it being covered up? Didn't Obama promise transparency of government? Why, then, does he remain to this day the single most unvetted and least transparent figure in American history?
Obama did not climb into the public view by himself or by his own merits. He was groomed and financed and seated by sinister operations hidden from public scrutiny. Observe the arrogance and the villainous debauchery that lurk in his countenance as he stares down his nose at the world. Obama himself admits he is only at the beginning of his labors on the world stage. What does that mean? Is he aiming for the lead seat in the New World Order?
Obama openly admitted that his accomplishments are slight when compared to giants of history. He feigns humility during an October 9, 2009 ceremony in which he was awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. This high honor has traditionally been reserved for persons of long and arduous accomplishment who have sacrificed a great deal to merit such an award. The Norwegian Nobel Committee simply handed the prize to Barack Hussein Obama and heaped praises upon him in spite of the fact that by his own admission he had done nothing to earn it.
One CNN News report implies that manipulation, staging, and favoritism played roles in shoeing an unworthy and unaccomplished candidate into the chute as a sure win for the 2009 Nobel Peace prize. The report stated, "Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1, only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September, two months before Obama was elected president."
We have descended into an abyss that disgraces our founding fathers and all they fought and bled to establish. Even our children are capable of understanding history's heroes if they ever get an uncensored chance at it, if they are not indoctrinated by the plague of modern liberalism and its bastard child, socialism, closely followed by the evil bastard twin, communism.
What is it going to take to get people to wake up? Remember this weblog. You've been warned. A vote in favor of the vile impostor who hides his own history and his aliases is, in effect, a demonization and a vilification of the Constitution and an open denial of the power of God by which the Constitution was conceived and realized. If you vote for Barack Hussein Obama again, may the abomination of desolation that is your just reward overtake you swiftly.