The world is on the verge of being introduced to an epic film that possesses a power unlike any before it. This film communicates the true story of an historical struggle for freedom that has direct impact on the struggle for liberty in our day.
If we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. No film in the history of movie making has addressed this truth with more timeliness, urgency, and poignant accuracy than Darin Southam's Reign of Judges Title of Liberty.
This film speaks to you no matter where you live or what you believe. Your prayers are needed for this endeavor to succeed. Please pray not only for Darin Southam, writer, actor, director, and producer of the film, but also pray for all who labor to bring this epic freedom movement into full bloom.
This is more than just a film. Everyone involved needs your prayers and faith. From the lowliest janitor in the studio to the people doing the set work and camera work and sound mixing, to the post production team members and computer techs to the executives and theater managers and ticket sales clerks, each and every one of them needs your prayers.
May each individual who has anything whatsoever to do with this movement be touched, pierced to the core, by the Holy Spirit of God. Be drawn to learn the full truth behind what is portrayed in this production.
Thank you for your prayerful support, and for sharing this message with all your friends and neighbors and coworkers. May God bless and preserve each and every one of you!
P.S. Please also watch Darin Southam's moving five-minute video in which he shares my email regarding this project.
Darin Southam leads freedom movement with Title of Liberty.
Other work produced by Darin Southam
Announcing new epic film by Darin Southam, writer, director, producer.
Have you ever heard of a producer of a major motion picture posting a significant portion of the script of an upcoming movie for free to the entire world? Well, now you have. In what is likely a first in the history of blockbuster caliber film making, there is a movie that carries a message so timely and so imperative that it simply must be shared by any and all means, even by making a portion of the script available to the public for free.
Posting the script online for everyone to read and share is an ingenious idea that will drive this movie to the big screen. It's about time! I have been waiting for a quality, Hollywood caliber movie about this historical event for decades. A visionary producer, Darin Southam, has finally tapped the best kept secret in story writing and film making.
Read and share the first seventeen pages of the script of Reign of Judges Title of Liberty at
Please catch the vision of Producer Darin Southam and share the following links and videos via every social media available to you. This story must be told. The world is thirsting for this production.
Producer's personal message video and real time Facebook activity. Become part of this historic undertaking! Generations will thank you! Spread the word.
Direct link:*s
How to more effectively utilize Facebook to make this message go viral:
Direct link:
Please watch and share the following 30-minute interview with producer Darin Southam.
Direct link:
Regarding the rating of this movie, whether to make it PG, PG-13, or R, there has been some discussion and a significant amount of preachy squeamishness coming from potential viewers who expect this movie to be a sanitized, low key, toned down depiction of a critical struggle for liberty. I would like to share my personal feelings on the matter, and then quote the production staff's response. I support their decision.
Ilyan (that's me):
"STOP Squawking! Read the Book of Mormon again. Visualize what you read! Liken the scriptures unto yourself. The Book of Mormon is rated-R, and this movie had better be rated-R, or at the very least a strong PG-13! It does not have swearing and gratuitous sex. It has war and bloodshed and political conspiracies, and that aspect of it it should be portrayed as realistically and accurately as if you were present at the time it happened, or you will not get the effect and the message of what Moroni and his men were facing, and the strength the Lord gave them to survive. Like life, you don't get to experience only the sweet and serene. You must taste the bitter as well, or it's not life, and you get nothing from it. This is NOT meant to be some diluted Sunday school production. It's the real thing. Close your eyes and cover your ears if you can't handle the fact that warriors bleed when they get hacked apart by swords and axes. Thank the Lord for those righteous warriors who endured and did just that so that we could be free and have The Book of Mormon!!!"
Production staff:
"We concur Ilyan! There's been enough watered down versions of these stories... we dishonor their souls by not telling the story the way they wrote it to us; the way they painstakingly carved their perfectly chosen words onto perpetual sheets of metal, that we might read and know them today, in OUR TIME. This movie will not be R but it will be PG-13. Anything less would be a lie. The TRUTH must be told about what happened. Those who are unprepared to know the truth must prepare speedily, for the truth of their stories are what we are about to experience ourselves, in every detail. This movie will help prepare the world for the tribulations to come before our mighty God returns with all the glory of Heaven."
I could not have said it better myself. In fact, I insist on reiterating several points from the producers, and I do so with all the energy of my soul, pleading to God to give me, and them, power unto the convincing of men of the truth.
"There have been enough watered down versions of these stories."
"We dishonor their souls by not telling the story the way they wrote it to us."
"Anything less would be a lie."
"Those who are unprepared to know the truth must prepare speedily, for the truth of their stories are what we are about to experience ourselves, in every detail."
"This movie will help prepare the world for the tribulations to come before our mighty God returns with all the glory of Heaven."
Thank you, and God bless you. And God bless America!
Other work produced by Darin Southam